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Welcome to BredaLab

Neurogenetic Drosophila research lab

We are based in the Institute of Allied Health Sciences at De Montfort University in the heart of East Midlands.

We are interested in the cellular and molecular mechanisms causing the onset and progression of human neurodegenerative disorders.

​To answer this question, we primarily use Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. We aim to study the fundamental biology of neurons and behaviour and how these are affected by ageing and diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Schizophrenia and Fragile-X.

The ultimate goal of BredaLab group is to advance our knowledge of these pathologies and design new therapeutic strategies.

  • Successuful Grant application

    Alzeimer’s Research Uk will support a grant on fruitflies studying the effect of RAB39B in Alzeimer’s diesease…. Hopefully, this will be the first of other successful applications aiming to treate these pathologies

  • Lab Logo

    Thank Zuzanna Kula & Jonite Ramgi for spending time in developing the logo for the site. It looks cool..:)

  • Josie & Zuzanna British Festival Ambassadors

    Josie and Zuzanna will be ambassadors at British Festival in Leicester. While they may be telling you about Leicester and DMU ans some research activities ongoing at DMU, why don’t you ask them what they do in the lab ?